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#1 07-15-2019 12:08:47


The Wake-Up

The bonding of two people feels like the greatest draw of all to ANR.

Let me give an example of what I mean:

I’m a heavy sleeper.  I don’t snore but I could sleep through anything.  And I find that the more relaxing the setting I am in, the deeper I can sleep.  Unfortunately, I’m not one of those people who can remember their dreams.  They are lost to me a few seconds after I wake up.

So I’ve always had the fantasy of being in a very relaxed place and sleeping peacefully, only to be awakened by my partner who, herself, woke up and felt the unbridled urge to breastfeed me - right then and there.

And as I struggled to wake up completely, she would put her hand on the back of my head, guiding my mouth up onto her nipple and holding me there until I gave up the struggle of confusion and simply latched on to her.

I would nurse from her for as long as I could stay awake.

The bond, that wonderful connection is something any two people in any kind of relationship would hope to have with each other.  But in ANR, it seems to be something a lot stronger, like it has the ability to enter one's mind whenever it so chooses.

What do you guys think about the bond?


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