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#1 03-27-2023 06:34:30


Why I want an ANR relationship.

I got into ANR in kind of a roundabout fashion. I have always loved all natural breasts and sucking on the nipples of the woman I loved.

However, when my daughter was breastfeeding and the milk stored for her was on the verge of not being used, I drank it and instantly fell in love with the sweetness, texture, and the fact that (as a lactose intolerant person) I didn't react to it (it is made by humans for humans, after all).

I did my research and discovered the ANR/ABF community.

I had my first ANR experience with my most recent ex-girlfriend. I loved the connection, bonding, trust, and deeper love that created. I have wanted an ANR relationship ever since.

I have also learned how to properly suckle a woman's breasts, not just suck on them like a straw. It made a huge difference in my ability to remain on a woman's breast and instead of only 15 -20 minutes, I am able to stay latched as long as I am allowed.

Because of the experiences I had, I want ANR/ABF to be a core part of any future relationship I have. I will no longer have relationships without it.

Last edited by LonelyABRseeker (03-27-2023 06:35:49)


#2 04-02-2023 09:53:09


Re: Why I want an ANR relationship.

What can I say? Perfectly put.


#3 04-15-2023 03:25:09


Re: Why I want an ANR relationship.

Well.....I fully understand. You are not alone.


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