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#1 05-23-2019 05:45:04


Sharing Information

Would anyone care to discuss your induction process? What works and doesn't/hasn't worked for you? How long have you been trying? How long until you received results? Any special techniques or secrets you'd like to share to help out others? Just trying to get a little conversation going on this otherwise dead site. smile


#2 06-10-2019 12:39:49


Re: Sharing Information

Ok... I'll go first. 
My first experience with ANR was quite by accident.  I was dating a man who loved suckling at my breast as much as I loved having him there. We hadn't been seeing each other very long, and rarely suckled more than once a day, when one evening he sat up and opened his mouth and said he just felt a spray of milk... and sure enough there was milk in his mouth.  At the time I had no idea one could lactate without being pregnant.  I went to the doctor to find out what was wrong (I have a history of breast cancer in my family) and all the doc said was "Don't let him do that anymore."  NO WAY!  Thank gods for the internet.  That is how I learned about induction. Since we really weren't trying to induce and followed no particular schedule all I can say is that my mental picture of nurturing and nourishing him was so strong that I think my body knew my intention. I moved away about a month later and was extremely surprised when I had a couple incidents of instantaneous let down in public and ended up with big wet milk spots on my blouse.
Hmmm... come to think about it, I miss him.


#3 06-22-2019 09:50:01


Re: Sharing Information

I'm very new to this, I'm 58..... I had a friend ask me to try and induce by pumping,  I regret not nursing my son as a infant, (he is now 38), i'm very anxious to lactate.   I've been pumping for 3 weeks at least 4 times a day and nothing yet, I also take fenagreek each day. 
I have been looking for a steady partner since the original man can't be here very often.  I found a a gentle man that is here usually here 2- 3 days a week.  My first experience with him was more then I even imagined it would be.  When he nurses on me it is so relaxing, and I enjoy seeing the contentment on his face and how it relaxes him.
I will give it more time and hope that I start lactating.

Any tips?


#4 06-24-2019 12:46:10


Re: Sharing Information

Thanks for responding Luv and Sue. I'm 67 and have never given birth or lactated either. I had a gentleman who had contacted me on another site, who got me really interested in it (I was only curious until I started talking to him about it). He has since decided to move on (I'm suspecting it's because of my age and possibly my inability to host at this time but he hasn't shared his reason(s) with me so I'm not sure). I've decided to continue with my quest but from what I've been reading, you get better results with the help of a suckler. At the present time, I'm taking Fenugreek and Goat's Rue and recently added a drink called MilkFlow. I can't take Dom because it might interfere with other medications I take. Hopefully, my hosting situation will improve in a few months and I can look into the suckling situation. I am looking forward to experiencing the closeness of the experience and would love the chance to suckle, even if it only starts off as dry. The ideal situation would be for him to help bring in milk quicker. I've only been taking the supplements and pumping since the beginning of May and I've read it could take anywhere from a few months to even years to start producing (I hope not, I'm not sure I have that much patience). I wish you ladies luck!

Last edited by LaughingLady (06-24-2019 12:49:01)


#5 07-28-2019 09:03:28


Re: Sharing Information

Hey, thanks for your post.  It gives me hope!  I was discarding wetnursing because of age.


#6 08-09-2020 03:55:43


Re: Sharing Information

UK  group for anyone in the UK interested in or search for ANR. ❤️


#7 08-09-2020 12:24:40


Re: Sharing Information

To all you ladies, I am one of these rare men who has a lot of success in helping my partners induce lactation and learned by one of the most knowledgeable women I had ever met. She tried all the known herbs and dom. First off do a search for Dr Jack Newman in Toronto Canada is the GOTO professional for nursing and lactation issues and is world renowned. He has supported the use of Domperidine for years for helping low producing lactation. I have followed this protocol and it has worked for all my partners. 20 mg domperidone 4 x daily beginning with in the morning, noon, dinner and before bed and taken before your meals. You will need to set your schedule for your ideal times to have a flow of milk come in. You will be creating a demand for your milk at the most private time and normally if you have a  partner to help. My partners subscribed to massaging, using a pump or I would be with her to nurse as we could schedule our times. You can cut your your time in half if you are using a dual pump. I recommend 15 minuted each side but I would extend it to 20-25 minutes. They stuck to the same timing as taking the medication except for a 3am feeding if we were sleeping together. I loved falling asleep latched. You can add fenugreek and blessed thistle if you like. Be consistent with the schedule otherwise you will not be successful. If you follow this protocol and have breastfed before you will have drops in about 7-8 days and have a full flow in 17-18 days. I had 6 partners and all had milk in that time frame. Oh forgot I mentored 3 different mid 60's women who followed this protocol and all produced milk without the help of a partner. I hope this helps encourage you all.


#8 01-21-2022 03:28:00


Re: Sharing Information

committed2u I would love to talk to you more about this


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