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#1 10-14-2019 10:44:55


What news on the mingling ?

How's the mingling going for y'all ?


#2 10-15-2019 04:38:32


Re: What news on the mingling ?

For me - the mingling is difficult as a 'free user' -
any 'free user' female here? If I send a message, she cannot read it.  If she sends me a message, I cannot read it.  So, the message portion of mingling is dead to me. 

Same problem with the 'chat convo' section. 

yikes. I rarely get on from any handphone, usually a pc or laptop.

What's been your experience, o gentle free user ?


#3 10-16-2019 12:20:59


Re: What news on the mingling ?

for the msg section - seems things changed up on or after 1 AUG - it's not an exhaustive test,
but as a free member - If I send a msg to another free member, they cannot read it.
Any msg from a free member, I cannot read it.
No, not writing of 'chat', at all.

So, this mingling bits, seems a channel for the mingling has been cut off, at least for me.
What's been your experience?


#4 10-17-2019 09:07:15


Re: What news on the mingling ?

Basically  having the same exact experience


#5 11-19-2019 08:05:00


Re: What news on the mingling ?

Well, it's a month later - how's the mingling a-going for you lot ?


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